About Us
Welcome to Prayatna
Prayatna... for a better society, an initiative to support the economically backward and underprivileged people who are struggling to make ends meet in this society. Many people around us are facing difficulties in providing education to their children, meeting the medical needs of their family members, or earning their piece of bread. Education is the most potent catalyst for social transformation but many children still don’t have access to education or dropping out of school because of poor conditions in their families. Many people are But, people from marginalized communities couldn’t bear the expenses and they lack financial support for the treatment of such diseases.
Prayatna intends to support the education of such children and enhance their dignity in society. Prayatna is working to support the needy in education, healthcare and to earn their livelihood through the projects. Grassroots initiatives of Prayatna are created to address localized problems. Projects are designed keeping in mind the problems of needy people. The founder of Prayatna, Madhu Jadhav has been working for the society for the past four years and knows the problems that are facing by people.
Vision And Mission
Prayatna... for a better society, envisions a vibrant and developed society and making it a better place. Prayatna helps underprivileged people to meet their needs and empowers them to live independent and dignified life.needed data for initiative
Our Vision
Prayatna deploys the best possible methodology and technology to bring change in the lives of underprivileged children, youth, and women through relevant education, innovative healthcare, and livelihood programs.
Our Mission
Total Cost