We Are In A Mission To Help The Helpless
Prayatna for a better society, an initiative to support the economically backward and underprivileged people who are struggling to make ends meet in this society.
What is Prayatna?
To do good takes a lot of effort. We have Initiated a movement called "PRAYATNA" to ease your thoughts of doing good deeds. ​PRAYATNA is an initiative to support the education of underprivileged children and help people in desperate need of medical support. Many children in society are striving to get an education and through this program, Madhu Jadhav looks forward to supporting such children.
Due to poverty, many patients won't be able to afford quality treatment and sometimes they lose their lives too. This initiative intends to support such patients to meet their medical requirements.
Prayatna was born with an intent to support economically backward communities of society. Prayatna has the thought that all human beings must have the same opportunity to succeed in life, irrespective of the circumstances they were born into. Because of poor financial status, they lack education, proper healthcare facilities. Crores of poor people are suffering challenges and all they need is a helping hand from others.
What We Are Doing
What We Are Doing
We Are In A Mission To Help The Helpless
Needy approach the Prayatna team for support.
Evaluation of transparency and credibility of the needy.
Background verification and evaluation of the status of the needy.
Reaching people by porting the problem of needy.
Utilization of raised funds to benefit the needy.
Raising funds by approaching the supporters with the problem.
Our Impact so far
1.59+ Lakhs
Total amount Raised
Our Current Projects
Helping a needy women for living
Story of an innocent woman who lost her husband 3 months ago. With no financial support, a woman is living in her 25-year-old home with small kids. The house is also leaking from haunting rain. There is no one in the house to care for her children if she went outside for work.
Empowering Women Together
Empowering women is a proven path to reduce poverty. Prayatna intends to provide an opportunity to such underprivileged women who are in need of support. Under this initiative, Prayatna distributes sewing machines to needy women and helps them to become self-sustain.
Uplift the Weavers by helping them sell their Sarees
Local Weavers had manufactured beautiful sarees for festive eves but due to Govt Restrictions Celebrations were low and they could not sell their yield. Prayatna associated with GrameenKart to help the weavers to sell their sarees.
Our Completed Projects
An effort to save the needy woman's life
Prayatna team took initiative to help her recover soon by extending financial support. We have donated Rs. 1,00,000/- that helped her financially to meet her medical expenses. Supriya Paranjape recovered after a major operation and now she is living a healthy life.
Extending our helping hands to support the education of poor girl
The family was unable to afford the educational expenses of the girl and decided to drop her education after SSLC. Prayatna supported the ambition of the girl by providing the necessary support to continue her education.
Helping needy children accomplish their dream
Just like others, these children want to pursue a good education, but due to poverty, the family was not able to send the children to a good school because of the high range of educational expenses. Prayatna team took the initiative and supported these children, helping them to continue their education.